Drake’s online recognition tool, Peerceive, is a quick and simple way to show recognition to colleagues. Recognizing employee contributions, and creating meaningful recognition and awards programs, are an important part of the Drake culture.
The Peerceive dashboard includes easy-to-use tools to send electronic kudos or e-cards. Kudos are a way for co-workers to express gratitude for a unique contribution to the workplace. They can be sent as often as you wish and to any employee (or group of employees) in any department. E-cards are an electronic version of a hand written note. Use these to tell an employee happy birthday, thank you, congratulations, or wish them well.
Recipients will receive an email letting them know they received a kudos or e-card. A link will take them to the site where they can view the message.
You can access Peerceive on blueView under the Employee tab. Peerceive is located in the right-hand channel. It can be bookmarked for easy access. Your username is your Drake email address and your initial password is your employee number, including any leading zeroes.
The portal is simple to use, but if there are questions, a Peerceive User Guide is available.
For additional information, contact Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu.
—Linda Feiden, Human Resources