30-minute CPR class

Do you want to learn CPR but don’t have time for a four-hour class? The American Heart Association is offering a free Hands Only CPR class. This is not a certification course.

Hands only CPR has been shown to be as effective as conventional CPR for cardiac arrest. The AHA still recommends CPR with compressions and breaths for infants and children, victims of drowning, drug overdose, or people who collapse due to breathing problems. However, with this class you will learn two easy steps that can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.

Join us on Friday, Feb. 9, at 10 a.m. in Olmsted Center, Rooms 310 and 311, for this quick and simple training class. In 30 minutes, you will learn a skill that could save a life.

Participants will earn BUILD (Bulldogs United in Learning Drake) credits and be entered into a drawing at the end of the semester. Additional BUILD information, including an online registration form, is accessible under the blueView Employee tab in the Learning and Development section of Human Resources.

Email Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu for more information.

Linda Feiden, Human Resources