Building access during winter break

Following graduation on Dec. 16 and through Dec. 21, most campus buildings will adopt administrative hours. This means buildings will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Starting Dec. 22, doors will be locked for the winter break. Faculty and staff will still be able to utilize their authorized access plans and enter their office buildings 24/7. Student plans will be shut off during this time. Regular building hours will resume on Jan. 3, the start of January Term.

Cowles Library open hours/after-hours are listed on their website.

Contact Public Safety at 515-271-2222 if you have a door access emergency during this time, or contact Student Services Center at 515-271-2000 or if you have a general card access question.

—Sara Heijerman, Student Services Center