Confidential support available on campus

Drake offers several confidential resources on campus for students wanting assistance in dealing with sexual assault, physical assault, relationship violence, or stalking. All of these resources are confidential—your name will not be shared with the University or others without your permission.

  • The Student Counseling Center is available for all students to receive counseling. Several staff members are specifically trained in dealing with trauma and one counselor is trained in EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), which can be helpful for anyone experiencing PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Contact 515-271-3864 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.
  • There is a professional sexual assault advocate from Crisis Intervention Services holding regular office hours during the Spring term in Cowles Library, Room 109, on Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. An advocate is a resource who can provide support, talk through options, and address concerns related to the student’s experience.
  • Certified student advocates are also available through VIP (Violence Intervention Partners) and can be reached by phone or text 24/7 at 515-512-2972. Similar to a professional advocate, student advocates can talk through options, listen, and provide support.
  • The Drake University Spiritual Counselor is an ordained minister who can speak with students of any faith or belief in a confidential setting. Contact 515-274-3133 to learn more or to schedule a time to talk.

—Tess Cody, Prevention Coordinator for Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct