Weight Watchers at Work special offer

Weight Watchers’ unique mix of face-to-face interaction with a trained leader, group support, accountability, digital tools, and the convenience of meetings in the workplace has been a winning combination for many of your co-workers at Drake.
Weekly Monday meetings include a confidential weigh-in from 12:15 to 12:30 p.m., followed by a 30-minute class. Classes are held in Opperman Hall, Conference Room 262.

The cost is normally $156 for the 12-week renewable series but Weight Watchers is holding a special limited time offer. Everyone who joins during the week of March 27 (or renews) will receive a 12-week renewable series for $132.60. That is a 15 percent discount off the regular price. A minimum of 15 participants must join or renew this week to receive the reduced rate.

If you are interested in attending our Weight Watchers at Work series, please contact Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources