“Around the World and Back: The Drake Research Experience”

When: Friday, March 3
Time: 12–12:50 p.m.
Where: Harvey Ingham, Room 134
Who: Megan Lindmark
David Courard-Hauri, Mentor
Environmental science & policy
College of Arts & Sciences

Drake offers a wide array of research opportunities to students, both on campus and around the world. This discussion will examine the variety of research students at Drake have conducted, beginning with Megan’s Drake University Science Colloquium Series summer experience investigating ecological economics via in-person interviews. They will also consider fish population assemblage in a protected fishing area in a floating village in Cambodia. Later they will examine how a May Term in Uganda grew into a full-scale, community-based water quality investigation in rural Uganda. Most importantly, the session will examine how these very different research projects have shaped the Drake Experience and can all be tied together into a comprehensive educational experience.

—Sharyn O’Connor-Beener, College of Arts & Sciences