“Animal Welfare Issues in Horse Racing”

Lecture: “Animal Welfare Issues in Horse Racing”
Thursday, Feb. 2
4 p.m.
Cartwright Hall, Room 201

Local attorney and Drake Law graduate Maggie Moss will give a lecture on “Animal Welfare Issues in Horse Racing.” Moss is a former chief prosecutor in Polk County and a former partner in a law firm where she specialized in personal injury, discrimination, and victims’ rights. She competed nationally in show jumping for 20 years, winning national championships at Madison Square Garden, the Washington International, and more. She was also a recognized judge and owned race horses across the country. Moss is currently a sole practitioner specializing in equine law, working to protect horses in the racing industry. The event is hosted by Drake’s Student Animal Legal Defense Fund.

The event is free and open to all.

—Kayla Choate, Drake Law