Student printing assistance

ITS has been made aware of a few ongoing problems some students are having with PDF and color printing. Here are some suggestions to resolve these issues:

If you are having consistent issues printing PDFs, consider downloading the printer driver to your computer rather than going through Webprint. This can be done either by following the step-by-step driver download directions, or if you need assistance, you can visit the Support Center in the lower level of Carnegie Hall.

When printing in color, make sure that you are releasing your print job at a color printer (look for the color FollowMe sticker on the front of the machine) and that you’ve selected color settings for your document itself. Please note: the printers in the lobbies of the residence halls print in black and white only.

Want to learn more about printing in general? Visit the Printing How to Guides for more information.

—Carla Herling, ITS