CGC events this week

Nov. 9: “The Resurgence of Collaborative Documentary in the Internet Era: Communities, New Technologies, & Social Narrative”
Location: Meredith Hall, Room 101
Time: 7–9 p.m.

Professor Diego Zavala is a member of the Department of Communications and Digital Arts, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Guadalajara campus, where he teaches film studies, screenwriting, and TV and film production. He has published articles and essays on documentary theory and Mexican cinema in academic journals, essay collections, and media publications. In addition, he has presented papers at national and international conferences in the United States, Mexico, France, Spain, and Portugal.

Professor Zavala will discuss how traditional and interactive documentary has become critical to the efforts of social groups in their attempts to promote social change and foster connections among communities. This lecture is co-sponsored by the Drake Center for the Humanities and The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship at Drake.

Nov. 10: Panel Discussion “Iowa and Africa: Expanding Engagement”
Location: Sussman Theater
Time: 7–8:30 p.m.

Join the Principal Financial Center for Global Citizenship for a panel discussion featuring:

  • Del Christensen, Executive Director of Iowa Resource for International Service
  • Phil Latessa, U.S. coordinator for a collaborative project between the Pare Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania and the SE Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  • Eric Idehen, Founder and CEO, Cornerstone of Hope Orphanage
  • Dave Merschman, President, Medicine for Mali, and president of Homemakers Furniture.
  • Francis Kamuhanda, founder and leader of Sure Prospects Institute in Uganda
  • Annique Kiel, Executive Director of Global Engagement and International Programs at Drake

Learn more about the panelists at