Wellness events in November

Holiday Trimmings Weight Challenge
Holiday Trimmings is a six-week program designed to encourage you to maintain or lose weight over the holiday season. If you have trouble dodging festive yet fattening foods like pecan pie, sausage stuffing, and egg nog, this challenge is for you.

Beginning and ending weights will be recorded, and throughout the challenge you will receive healthy holiday tips. Everyone who maintains or loses weight will be placed in a drawing for a chance to win prizes.

For more information or to register to participate please email Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu with the subject line “Holiday Trimmings.” Deadline to register is Thursday, Nov. 17.

A packet of information will be sent to you. Read through the packet carefully and start the challenge on Monday, Nov. 21.

Let’s make this a happy AND healthy holiday season!

$10 Chair Massages
Step away from your worries and take a 10-minute vacation with a relaxing chair massage. On Nov. 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Cowles Library Heritage/Collier Room and Nov. 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Olmsted Center Drake Room, licensed massage therapist Anne Boal will be giving chair massages.

Cost is $10 for a 10-minute chair massage paid directly to Anne Boal at the time of your appointment—correct change cash or check only. One name will be drawn after the event and that person will receive a gift certificate for a free 10-minute chair massage!

Click the link below to register for the day and time of your choice. You may register for one or two time slots per registration sheet.

For additional information or questions, please contact Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu.

Food & Mood Presentation
When was the last time you monitored your mood as it relates to what and how much you eat? Emotional eating is a common response to stress and fatigue, but it can lead to unhealthy eating habits, which in turn can lead to chronic health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. In this presentation you’ll learn ways to track mood and food,and identify the difference between hunger, boredom, and stress eating.

Join us Nov. 15 at 10 a.m. in Olmsted Center, Rooms 310/311, for this fun and informative presentation. Johanna Dunlevy from Employee & Family Resources will be presenting.

Participants will earn BUILD (Bulldogs United in Learning Drake) credits and be entered into drawings for prizes each semester.

The registration form for this class is accessible through blueView’s Employee tab, in the Learning and Development Channel under Human Resources, or by clicking here. Please email Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu for more information.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources