Students needed for University photo shoot

University Communications is hosting a one-day photography shoot with services from professional photographer Jill Lehmann. The communications department is requesting Bulldogs to pull together to make these images represent Drake in the best way possible.

Please sign up for a time and location that will work for you on Tuesday, Nov. 1. We have added two new time slots, 10–11 a.m. and 11 a.m.–noon, and are looking in particular for more men to sign up (not a guy? You should still join us!):

Wear weather-appropriate and simple clothing. Please avoid any political statements with your clothing, wearing other college or schools brands, or anything inappropriate. There will be snacks and refreshments as a thank-you for joining us.

We greatly appreciate your help and we look forward to seeing you there.

Questions? Contact Genna Clemen at

—Emma Daily, University Communications