Avoid vampire load: Request a power strip

Did you know appliances, electronics, and chargers use electricity whenever they’re plugged in—it doesn’t matter whether the device is in use or not? This wasted power is called phantom load, or vampire load. On a single-user scale, this might not seem like a big deal, but when you consider every staff and faculty member on campus, the numbers add up.

For example, two computer monitors, one laptop, and one mobile charger can cost $5/year in vampire load. If you multiply that by the number of faculty and staff, that means around $4,915/year goes to waste on vampire load, not taking into account a multitude of other appliances.

Everyone on campus can play a role in reducing vampire load and costs by simply turning off appliances and unplugging what you can before you leave. This is especially important to do before you leave for a weekend or an extended break.

Power strips are a great solution to ease this process. Instead of unplugging everything, you can just turn off the power strip. Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep your power strip in a visible, easy to reach place. On top of a desk is a great option.
  2. Utilize Post-its or reminders to ensure you turn your power strip off.
  3. Contact hannah.remke@drake.edu if you need a power strip! The Office of Sustainability has been collecting gently used power strips to redistribute throughout campus. They can be delivered as supplies last!

Visit this Energy Calculator to see an annual usage and cost estimate of your vampire energy. These tips can also be translated to your home!

—Hannah Remke, Sustainability Coordinator