This week’s employee appreciation events

Over the last couple years, we collectively have been challenged to change everything we do—from educating students and maintaining campus operations, to how we go about our lives at home and in the community. Through it all, employees have continued to make a positive difference in the lives of students, parents, colleagues, and the community.

To help show our appreciation, Human Resources and All Staff Council invite you to take a break and join in on the upcoming Employee Appreciation Month events. Here’s what’s happening this week!

March 9: $5 Wednesday Lunch at the Hubb. If you haven’t taken advantage of Sodexo’s $5 Wednesday lunches at the Hubb (in Hubbell Dining Hall), this is a great week to give it a try. In addition to the $5 lunch, Sodexo will serve special sheet cake and brownies for dessert in honor of Employee Appreciation Month.

March 9: GRIFO! (BINGO). All Staff Council and Human Resources invite faculty and staff to play GRIFO (Drake BINGO). Attend in-person at Parent’s Hall in the Olmsted Center from 3-4 p.m. and say hello to Griff II.  If you are working remotely, register to participate virtually using this link.  A multitude of prizes are available from Griff socks to a FREE parking pass!

March 11: Mindfulness & Moving Forward. Scarlett Lunning, from Employee & Family Resources, will facilitate a special live class via Zoom for Drake employees from 11 a.m. to noon. Please send an email to to register.

In addition, we have brought back the Shout-Out program for Employee Appreciation Month. This is a great way to recognize your colleagues. Simply write a sentence or two thanking a colleague or team for going the extra mile or showing support to others. Submit your shout-outs to between now and March 24. They will be compiled and posted in OnCampus.

And, All Staff Council in coordination with Human Resources has started a High-Five from Griff II program. One hundred magnets with a picture of Griff II ‘high-fiving’ have been distributed across campus. If you receive one, keep it for a few days and then pass it along to another colleague who also deserves a high-five. The magnets can be handed off again and again, with the hopes of reaching as many of Drake’s amazing staff members as possible.

Take some time this month to let others know you appreciate their efforts and know that YOUR efforts are appreciated every day!

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources