Deputy Provost 2:10 – Faculty mentoring program launch Summer 2022

Every Tuesday in OnCampus the Deputy Provost shares two articles with a read time of 10 minutes.

Good faculty mentoring increases our ability to retain high quality faculty; it also helps create and sustain job satisfaction across the lifespan of a faculty career.  There are several models for creating a good mentoring program—one that supports faculty from the moment they are hired until the moment they retire.

Are you interested in being part of a faculty mentoring program—either as someone who receives mentoring, or as someone who provides it? I’d like to have a conversation about what your needs, expectations, experiences, and capacities might be as I look forward to launching a comprehensive faculty mentoring program as part of the Center for Teaching Excellence over the summer.

Please plan ahead to participate in a conversation after spring break, Friday, March 25, from 1:30–3 p.m. in Howard Hall, Room 210.  Register here, so we can provide hospitality. If you cannot attend but would like to be a mentor—or be assigned a mentor—please email to inform me.

— Renée Cramer, Deputy Provost