Seeking nominations: Levitt professorships

Three new Levitt Professorships will be named this year.  The Office of the Provost invites nominations at this time.

The Ellis and Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professorship has long been an important way to recognize and reward superior performance by Drake University faculty members. Levitt Professors are full professors who have demonstrated teaching effectiveness and/or mentoring excellence, professional contributions through scholarly activity, demonstrated leadership, consulting activities, and contributions to the mission of the department, college and university.  

In addition to the title, Levitt professors receive a $5,000 annual supplement to their salary.  The initial appointment is for five years.  During the fifth year, performance is reviewed to determine whether continuation as a Levitt professor is merited.  

 Nominations should be submitted to the Dean of the nominee’s college or school by March 8, 2022.  Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged. Each nomination must include a letter of nomination that makes clear the qualifications of the individual to become a Levitt Professor and a current c.v.  

Deans will send their recommendations, along with the nominees’ credentials, to Deputy Provost Renée Cramer, who will convene a selection committee composed of faculty members holding distinguished professorships, to review the submitted nominations.  This group will make recommendations to Provost Mattison, who will make recommendations for appointment to President Martin and the Board of Trustees for appointment.  The professorship will be awarded effective July 1, 2022.

Please direct any questions to Renée Cramer, Deputy Provost.  

Thank you for your attention to this opportunity to recognize the excellence of our outstanding faculty members. 

— Renée Cramer, Deputy Provost