Robing details for inauguration

Faculty and staff who are wearing academic regalia and sitting with the floor party, please note that robing for the inauguration ceremony will begin no later than 12:30 p.m. in the women’s gym of the Shivers Basketball Practice Facility. To access the gym, enter through the Bell Center and proceed to The Knapp Center court. Walk across the Knapp floor, behind the stage curtain to the east, and you will see an entrance titled “Women’s Basketball.” Proceed straight ahead down the corridor to the women’s gym. Once inside the gym, there will be personnel and signage to direct you. All wearing regalia should be at the gym no later than 1 p.m. The procession onto the Knapp Center floor will commence at 1:15 p.m.

If you have ordered or rented your regalia from the University Bookstore, you will need to pick it up from the University Bookstore prior to the event.

—Joseph Schneider, Inauguration Co-Chair