College of Arts & Sciences news: Week of April 11

Phillip Chen receives prestigious foundation grant
Phillip Chen, professor of drawing and printmaking at Drake, recently received the 2015/2016 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant. The foundation has awarded Phillip $20,000, for his work in printmaking. This is his second major art grant after receiving the Louis B. Comfort Tiffany Award in 2006. Learn more about the grant and Phillip in the Drake Newsroom.

Students present at the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies undergraduate student conference
Three students in the law, politics, and society program (Phoebe Clark, Alexandria Porter, and Alliyah Greaver) were selected to present research papers at the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies undergraduate student conference at Iowa State University’s Memorial Union on April 9. They each presented papers on the topic “Transforming Gender and Society.” Professor Nathaniel Holdren has been working throughout the semester with the students in preparation for their abstract submissions and paper research. The conference featured presentations and discussions by students from around the state.