First-year students have 10 opportunities to participate in a J-Term experience, including travel experiences, a retreat, and virtual courses. Apply for a J-Term first-year experience now. Applications are open until Sept. 21 on a first come, first served basis..
Travel abroad experiences:
1. Belize: Ethical Chocolate: How does that cacao actually get into my chocolate bar?
2. England: Responsible Global Citizenship in Action: Exploring Cultural Identity through the British Experience
To apply for a first-year J-Term abroad experience, visit Terra Dotta, Drake’s online application portal for travel experiences. Use your Drake ID and password to login. For questions about a specific program, contact the seminar leader. For general study abroad questions or issues with Terra Dotta, contact
Retreat experience:
3. Every Bulldog a Changemaker
Virtual experiences
4. Mental Health First Aid
5. Mindfulness: what, why, how?
6. Prevention Ambassador Training
7. Social Change Leadership
8. Unchain Your Motivation
9. Unleashing Your Genius
10. You DU Follow Through
To learn more about these experiences and to find registration instructions, students should visit the First-Year J-Term Experience website. For questions, contact Laura Shell at For questions specific to abroad experiences, contact Maria Rohach at
— Maria Rohach, Director of Education Abroad, and Laura Shell, Access and Success Coordinator