Rec Services is hiring

Drake Intramurals is looking for students to join their team in the fall. Available positions include both officials and scorekeepers. Knowledge of sports is not required. Email for more information and to apply.

Summer Lifeguards: Flexible schedule, convenient location at the Bell Center, and you can work as a lifeguard and another Rec position at the same time. $10/hour for summer work. You MUST be Lifeguard Certified to apply. Email for more information and to apply.

Group Instructors: Looking to workout, encourage and guide others to reach their exercise potential? GroupX instructors have the opportunity to teach a variety of formats, including HIIT, Cardio Kickboxing, Yoga, Pilates, Hip-hop, and more. Prior experience is not required for this position, instead, each instructor undergoes a thorough training program before teaching independently. Email to apply.

— Emily Madsen, Rec Services