Koru Mindfulness series

When we think of a healthy person we often envision someone in great physical shape, but how we think and process emotions is just as important as how often we exercise and how healthy we eat. Becoming more mindful can improve emotional intelligence, reduce stress, and help manage change. But how do we learn these skills?

Koru is an introduction to mindfulness and meditation.  It teaches you skills you can use to manage your stress, focus your mind, and gain perspective on challenges you may be facing. Using traditional tools from breathing techniques to guided imagery, you will learn how to let go of the thoughts and worries that can overcome your ability to be present.

Join Christine Urish, Professor, Occuptional Therapy, for a four-part series which will meet Wednesdays from 2–3:15 p.m. on Sept. 4, 11, 18, and 25 in the Occupational Therapy building. You must attend all four sessions. Class size limited to 12 people.  Contact Linda Feiden for registration information.

–Linda Feiden, Human Resources