Drake is a 2023 Healthiest State Award finalist

We are proud to share that Drake University is a finalist for the 2023 Healthiest State Annual Award, in the large workplace division.  These awards recognize workplaces, communities, and individuals for their efforts to improve the physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of Iowans.

Drake offers a variety of programs and classes that cover multiple dimensions of wellbeing.  Here are some offerings in March:

Do It for a Day Challenge.  March 27 through April 23.  If you want to make healthy changes but get easily distracted, this challenge is for you!  Over four weeks simply complete a series of one-day challenges.  You will have two challenges to choose from each day, that cover all dimensions of wellbeing.

Introduction to Juggling.  March 23 from 2-3 p.m. in the Olmsted Center Parents Hall North. Take a break from work and have some fun trying your hand – or hands at juggling.  Nate Reagen, chief of staff, will be our guide.

Get Real: Telling My Story.  March 24 from 12-1 p.m. in the lower level of the OT building (3003 Forest Ave.).  Learn how to create a personalized journal, a great tool to reduce stress and enhance your health.  Facilitated by students in the occupational therapy department.

Money at Work: Foundations of Investing.  March 30 from 2-3 p.m. in the Olmsted Center conference room 310/311. This class will provide the information you need to invest in your future, no matter where you are in life.  Paige Philips, senior financial consultant at TIAA will present.

For more information or to register for these classes or program, please send an email to linda.feiden@drake.edu.

—  Linda Feiden, Human Resources