If you have a heart for helping others and are looking for a way to give back to campus, VIP might be a good fit for you.
VIP students are trained and certified victim advocates who support individuals who have encountered harmful sexual or dating experiences. VIP students staff a 24-hour hotline to ensure students have somewhere to turn to, be heard, ask questions, and find resources. In addition to the hotline, VIP students engage the campus with sexual and dating violence awareness and prevention events.
We welcome you to explore joining our team by filling out this APPLICATION. Applications are open now until February 25th.
Time commitment and expectations:
- Make VIP a priority in your campus commitments
- Attend all required trainings (details in application)
- Attend bi-weekly meetings
- Take 1 or 2 hotline shifts per month
- Participate in programming
If you have questions please email lynne.cornelius@drake.edu.
— Lynne Cornelius, Dean of Students Office