Deputy Provost 2:10 – Lunch and money (SOTL and student assistantships)

Every Tuesday in OnCampus the Deputy Provost shares two articles with a read time of 10 minutes.

Drake faculty engage our students in learning in ways that serve our own growth and development—it’s one of my favorite things about teaching, and one of my favorite things about our commitment to our students.  We do this by hiring undergraduate research assistants, by mentoring students as they move through Honors theses and internships, and by developing projects around the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning—where our pedagogy becomes a focus of our own self-reflection and study.

The Center for Teaching Excellence invites you to join us for lunch with Adam Case, assistant professor of Computer Science, to hear about his scholarship of teaching and learning project. Lunch will be held in Howard Hall, Room 210, from 12:30–1:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 18.

And, the Office of the Deputy Provost is partnering with student financial aid to offer awards to faculty in order that they can hire student assistants for their research, in the coming academic year.

Renée Cramer, Deputy Provost