New UCM internal department site

The Office of University Communications and Marketing is excited to announce the launch of its new internal department site within the University intranet. Content on this site is only accessible to internal audiences (faculty, staff, and students). You can find UCM’s internal department site by going to:

  2. Campus Resources > Department Sites
  3. Administrative Departments > University Communications & Marketing

On the department site, you will find UCM’s Toolkit with helpful brand, editorial, logo, and graphic design resources; PowerPoint and Word templates; and information about the people and functions of UCM.

ITS is helping departments across campus create internal department sites. These sites are an ideal place to house internal-audience content securely and provide an easier path to navigate to employee forms, resources, department news, and other key information for the Drake community. 

If your department would like to transition to an internal department site, contact Jeff Regan, technical project manager, at

— Kelsey Faybik, University Communications and Marketing