The Deputy Provost’s Office will be hosting a series of open meetings for interdisciplinary conversations about how to make sure our curriculum delivers on its promises. We’ll announce a full schedule soon; some of these meetings will be focused on particular areas of the curriculum, some will be meant to help departments and units collaborate across institutional boundaries. All of them will be open-ended and meant to help faculty ask good questions, know where to find good answers, and think across disciplines.
This first conversation is wide open, and especially welcoming of department chairs and associate deans who want to talk about leading curricular change. We will meet in person in Howard Hall in the Academic Affairs conference room (2nd floor) on Thursday, Sept. 23, from 3:30–5 p.m. There will be croissants from La Mie. No need to sign up—just show up—but feel free to email with questions or thoughts prior to the gathering.
— Renee Cramer, Provost’s Office