Deputy Provost Office: Faculty development and community building opportunities

Here is a brief listing of what faculty can anticipate:

First Year Seminar faculty are invited to join each other for lunch and conversation on Sept. 17, Oct. 15, and Nov. 19 from 11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (Zoom for September; register here).

On Friday, Sept. 24, from 1–3 p.m. there will be an all-faculty-are-welcome Zoom conversation asking “How is Pandemic Changing our Pedagogy?” (venue TBD, register here) . In late November, we will have a session on Decolonizing Your Syllabus.

In October and November, Deputy Provost Renee Cramer and Associate Provost of Campus Equity and Inclusion Jen Harvey will co-sponsor a series of development opportunities meant to help instructors incorporate justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion into their AOI courses.

On Oct. 1, Nov. 5, and Dec. 3, we’ll have brown bag lunches devoted to faculty research across the disciplines. Please reach out to if you have research-in-progress that you’d like to share.

Around mid-term, and finals, we’ll host “grading parties”—time set aside to drink hot cider or cocoa, and grade in solidarity with your faculty peers—with occasional breaks to talk assessment and student learning outcomes.

Don’t forget “Books for Breakfast!” We’re reading Burn-Out and The Slow Professor.

Finally, Drake welcomed 30+ at New Faculty Orientation (check out our group photo with Griff). They’ll meet two Fridays a month; established faculty who want to join and informally mentor are more than welcome to contact to volunteer!

—Renee Cramer, Provost’s Office