4+1 Program in Applied Behavior Analysis

The master’s program in Applied Behavior Analysis has launched a 4+1 program (currently open to juniors who have met all the prerequisites: 3.0 GPA, junior standing, PSY60 and SPED153). Applied Behavior Analysis builds upon the science of learning and behavior to address and address and impact socially significant behavior change across various settings (e.g., clinical, school, organizational) with different populations (e.g., children with autism or other developmental disabilities, children who engage in challenging behavior, adults in residential settings, organizational behavior management). Below is a video that provides information on the ABA program at Drake. If you have questions about admissions or the admission process, contact Pamela Moore (pamela.moore@drake.edu). If you have questions about ABA, the curriculum, or career options within ABA, contact Dr. Valdovinos (maria.valdovinos@drake.edu).

ABA program informational video: https://drakeedu.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/acad-as-aba/Ea4M2hG6qVRHg_eHpZJaAI8BAhx1yI52zEQvm5F4YMj-7Q

Report referenced in video: https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/US-Employment-Demand-for-Behavior-Analysts_2020_.pdf

ABA program website:  https://www.drake.edu/aba/

— Maria Valdovinos, Professor of Psychology