Bulldog Days of Summer tour guides needed

Each summer, the Office of Admission hires students to serve as tour guides during the Bulldog Days of Summer programs on Aug. 5 and Aug. 9. Students are paid $7.25 per hour. These programs will welcome 80–100 students and families to each program. To serve these visitors well, Drake students are hired to provide campus tours during defined hours each morning on these dates. A two-hour training session prior to giving a tour is required unless the student is already a Coleition member. Students sign up for available hours, and given the tour needs, are provided with a final schedule a week prior to the program. Students learn tour routes, key messages, responses to commonly asked questions, facts, and benefits of the University. Interested students should possess an enthusiasm for their Drake experience, strong communication skills, and the ability to relate to individuals from various backgrounds, ages, and experiences. Apply via Handshake by July 5, 2019.

Deneen Dygert, Admissions