What is your type 2 diabetes risk?

Tuesday, March 28, is American Diabetes Association Alert Day®. One in three American adults is at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Closer to home, 23 percent of our faculty and staff who completed a wellness screening last year had a blood glucose level greater than 100 mg/dl which means they are either pre-diabetic (blood glucose 100–125 mg/dl) or diabetic (blood glucose 126 mg/dl or higher).

The only way to know for certain whether you are diabetic or pre-diabetic is through a blood test. But anyone can take a quick survey to find out if they are at risk. On March 28 the American Diabetes Association invites you to take a quick (and anonymous) one-minute survey/test to find out if you’re at risk. By understanding your risk, you can take the necessary steps to help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

So make sure to mark your calendar for American Diabetes Association Alert Day on March 28 and click HERE to take your type 2 diabetes risk test. Then learn more about this disease, how to prevent it, and how to fight back to help transform your life.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources