Vote Smart is bringing “the facts” to central Iowa

Please join Vote Smart’s board, staff, and interns, along with our partners at Drake, in celebrating Vote Smart’s relocation to Des Moines. Vote Smart President Richard Kimball and Drake President Marty Martin will be speaking, in addition to a ribbon cutting ceremony and a special appearance from Griff!

Where: 1153 24th St.
When: Monday, April 10
5–7 p.m.

Food and refreshments will be provided.

To RSVP, please email or call 515-989-6363.

Vote Smart (, founded by Presidents Carter, Ford, and other national leaders, is a nonprofit national research center that collects accurate and factual information on over 40,000 political leaders. Our goal is to empower voters with access to a vast library of reliable, nonpartisan, factual political information.

—Cassandra Reed, Vote Smart