Des Moines Corporate Games

Show your Drake pride by being a part of the Des Moines Corporate Games! Open to all faculty and staff, there is something for every fitness level, and it is FREE (except golf cart or bowling shoes rental). In addition, participants will receive a Drake T-shirt.

The Des Moines Corporate Games (DMCG) will run from June 1 to July 31. Choose from a selection of 24 events. You may participate in as many as you wish. All events are held after work or on weekends. Earn points for Drake by simply participating in some events and being one of the top finishers in others. Certain sports also award individual/team medals. At the conclusion of the DMCG, the coveted Corporate Cup will be awarded to the winner of each division. Drake is part of the large company division. Please contact Linda Feiden at for more information and registration instructions. Deadline to declare interest is March 24 so don’t wait!

Activities you can participate in:

  • Bags*
  • Basketball – 3 on 3*
  • Basketball – Hot Shot*
  • Blood Donation Challenge
  • Bowling*
  • Burst Your Thirst Challenge
  • Cross Country Race – 4K & 8K Cycling Tour Ride
  • Disc Golf*
  • Dodgeball*
  • Duathlon Fitness Walk (Ames & Des Moines)
  • Golf – 4 person best shot*
  • Kickball*
  • Mud Run
  • Road Race – 5K
  • Sand Volleyball*
  • Spikeball*
  • Track & Field*
  • Triathlon
  •  Tug of War*
  • Ultimate*
  • Yoga
  • Zumba (Ames & Des Moines)

*These sports have limited entries for companies. Declaring your interest does not guarantee you will compete in this sport or event.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources