$10 chair massages

Step away from your worries and take a 10-minute vacation with a relaxing chair massage. On April 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Olmsted Center Drake Room, and April 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Cowles Library Collier Heritage Room, licensed massage therapist Anne Boal will be giving chair massages.

Cost is $10 for a 10-minute chair massage paid directly to Anne Boal at the time of your appointment—correct change cash or check only. One name will be drawn after the event and that person will receive a gift certificate for a free 10-minute chair massage!
Click the link below to register for the day and time of your choice.mYou may register for one or two time slots per online registration form.

April 12 (Olmsted Center Drake Room)

April 13 (Cowles Library Collier Heritage Room)

For additional information or questions, please contact Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources