CPHS news: Week of Feb. 27

Drake OTD student accepted to prestigious program
Emily Nadolny, a Drake occupational therapy doctoral candidate from Willmar, Minn., recently was chosen to attend the highly selective Second Annual Summer Institute for Future Scientists in Occupational Therapy. Learn more about Emily in the Drake Newsroom.

CPHS alumni honored
The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences honored four outstanding alumni during the college’s annual Pharmacy and Health Sciences Day, held Thursday, Feb. 23 in Sheslow Auditorium.

Drake alumni Marc Baumert and Grant Knowles received the college’s Young Alumni Achievement Award, issued each year to alumni who graduated within the past 10 years. Nancy Bell and R. Mathew Hosford received the Alumni Achievement Award. Three of the alumni—Baumert, Bell, and Hosford—work in the Des Moines metro area; all have demonstrated remarkable loyalty to their alma mater and extraordinary professional success. Learn more about these remarkable alumni in the Drake Newsroom.