Stand Up, Speak Up: Drake Women & Leadership

Stand Up, Speak Up: Drake Women & Leadership is a symposium designed to engage female faculty and staff across campus and help them develop their leadership skills. Held on March 10, there are two workshop sessions as well as lunch and post-event networking. Participants are encouraged to stay for all or part of the day as schedules permit but pre-registration is required. Complimentary lunch is provided to registered participants.


10 a.m.–Registration
10:30–Session: Owning and Claiming the Powerful You with Sarah Noll Wilson
12 p.m.–Lunch: Conversity!
1:30–Session: Five Factors of Strength: Personality, Leadership, and Capitalizing on “You” with Cris Wildermuth
3–4 p.m.–Ice Cream Social & Networking

As an added bonus, attendees will receive credit toward the BUILD certificate. Seating is limited, so register today!

Detailed session information and registration link:

—Stephanie Cardwell, Symposium Co-chair