BUILD opportunity: Building a Safe Space

Please join us in a highly interactive and fun session focused on three key components of creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ individuals:

Common Terminology and Phrases: Ever wonder: “What does LGBTQ stand for?” or “Can I use the word ‘queer?’” or “What pronouns should I use for a transgender person?”

Skill Development and Practice: Engage in real-life office and work-day scenarios, and discuss best practices for engaging productively.

Bystander Intervention: Leave equipped with skills to diffuse negative situations and to foster/facilitate dialogue. Example: a student says “I don’t understand how people can be transgender,” or a colleague says they don’t feel comfortable engaging LGBTQ students, what can you do?

Join Tony Tyler, director, student engagement, equity, and inclusion (team lead) on March 8 in Olmsted Center, Rooms 310/311, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to talk, listen, and ask questions! Registration is not required, but is helpful.  To do so, please email:

—Debra Wiley, Human Resources