February phishing simulation

In January, a phishing simulation was sent to 500 random faculty and staff; 91.5 percent of those who received the simulation email either didn’t open the email, or didn’t click the link. These are excellent results that show we can identify phishing emails and avoid them.

Later this week, we’ll be sending out the next phishing simulation email to another random 500 faculty and staff members. If you receive the email and open the attachment, you’ll be sent to an informational page. If you receive an email you suspect is phishing, simulated or not, please forward it as an attachment to informationsecurity@drake.edu.

Participating in training like this is an effective and risk-free way to learn about the dangers of phishing and help protect individual and campus data. If you have questions or concerns, please contact informationsecurity@drake.edu.

Learn even more about how to secure your digital life by visiting our blog at its.drake.edu/category/security-blog/.

—Peter Lundstedt, Information Security Manager