Upcoming wellness opportunities

Club Ped 10,000 Step Program
The idea of this program is to get moving! Walking, running, exercise classes—anything that creates steps. You don’t have to be an exercise enthusiast. It will work for beginners or fitness gurus. The ultimate goal of Club Ped is to reach 10,000 steps a day. Don’t worry, we will work up to it.

Club Ped begins Monday, Feb. 13 and lasts 10 weeks, ending April 23. All you need is a pedometer, activity tracker, or smart phone app to track your steps, and the desire to succeed. The rest is easy. You will receive a walking journal and weekly emails with helpful tips.
If you are ready to “step it up,” please send an email to Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu with the subject line “Club Ped.” Deadline to register is Thursday, Feb. 9.

Couch to 5K (C25K) Program
If you would like a special challenge this spring, then Couch to 5K (C25K) may be for you. This program is designed to take almost anyone from the couch to completing a 5K (3.1 miles) in nine weeks.

There will be weekly training groups and motivational emails for when you need that extra kick. You can download a training app or receive a hard copy of the program. You just need to commit to training 30 minutes a day three days a week for nine weeks.

And when you finish the program we will form a team and complete the Drake Road Races 5K on April 29! Ellen Lowe and Linda Feiden will be your C25K coaches.

Couch to 5K begins Monday, Feb. 20. There will be an information meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16 at noon in the Paul Morrison Room of The Knapp Center. To register for this program please send an email to Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu with the subject line “C25K.” Deadline to register is Thursday, Feb. 9.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources