Surprise your sweetheart

Surprise your sweetheart, roommate, teacher, coach, co-worker, or supervisor with a singing valentine presented by members of the Drake Choir. We offer a special student price of $10 for a single rose and song delivered to campus locations bounded by 25th Street to 34th Street, University Avenue to Forest Avenue. You’ll need to supply your student ID number in order to qualify for this Bulldog Ballad.

Drake Choir members will deliver singing valentines on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. and 5:30–8 p.m.

Why a singing valentine? In addition to winning brownie points with your valentine, you’ll be supporting the Drake Choir’s upcoming international tours. No University funds are used for these tours, so your support if important and greatly appreciated.

Two easy ways to order:

Order deadline is Feb. 8, so order now.

—Aimee Beckmann Collier, Department of Music