Bulldog Applause: ITS

In November, Drake’s All Staff Council Recognition Committee celebrated Drake’s Information Technology Services (ITS) staff with a surprise cookie delivery. We continue the celebration here by spotlighting the department and providing a few fast facts about how they make life at Drake better.

Purpose Statement: “Drake ITS exists to empower Drake University to thrive in a digital world.”

Where they live: The department is spread among several buildings on campus: administration, network infrastructure, and professional services teams are in the Dial Center; campus relations and support center teams are in Carnegie; and the academic technology team is in Meredith Hall. The classroom build team is currently in the old ROTC building, plus each college/school has dedicated techs.

Staff members: 47

Student employees: 26

Longest-serving employee: Senior Solutions Engineer Joe Scavo (since 1983)

Newest team member: Jonathan Walker, Application Developer 2 (Joined in June 2016)

What has ITS been busy with lately? Plenty:

  • Managed Printing—Implemented the new Follow Me printing system
  • Campus wireless upgrade—Replaced obsolete equipment from the campus wireless network with more reliable, higher capacity equipment
  • Technology upgrades in classrooms/Sheslow Auditorium—In August 2015 launched the first phase of a multi-year initiative to upgrade audio/visual technology across campus.
  • Computer life cycle refresh plan—Responsible for slightly over 2,300 computers on campus; just completed the first phase of replacing faculty computers, and gearing up for staff computer replacements.

Kudos to ITS staff for leading the charge to provide and support innovative use of technology, and for helping enhance the Drake experience for students, faculty, and staff.

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee