Bulldog Applause: Spotlight on Arts & Sciences

Beginning this month, the All Staff Council is selecting a unit at Drake monthly and honoring all staff members within that unit. Following a drawing of all campus units, the Recognition Committee surprises the department with cookies donated by Sodexo and caps off the month with an OnCampus article spotlighting them. We hope you’ll enjoy getting to know a bit more about the staff members serving the College of Arts and Sciences, our first honoree.

The College of Arts & Sciences, Drake’s largest college/school, is home to 12 staff members serving approximately 228 full-time and adjunct faculty members. The longest-serving staff member is Margaret Corkrean, A&S budget and office manager, and the newest addition is Kayla Jenkins, who started at Drake in August 2015 and recently became assistant to the dean. Seven staff members “live” in FAC, while the rest are distributed among Howard, Meredith, Cline, Fitch, and Olin.

The staff’s primary function is to aid the professors in their work and help students reach their academic goals, particularly in the case of assistant deans. They also help organize various music series, theatre projects, lecture series (including Writers and Critics, The Comparison Project, etc.), and Humanities Center events. Most recently, Administrative Assistant Katie Dale is working closely with World Languages and Cultures to organize the 10th Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Conference, hosted on campus Oct. 21–22.

Kudos to staff in the College of Arts and Sciences, who help bring the Drake brand of excellence to programming in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and fine arts, and are at the heart of the University’s liberal arts experience.

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee