Weight Watchers at Work Information Session

Spring is a great time to start new projects. Are you on that list?

Weight Watchers at Work is holding an informational session on Monday, April 25, at 11 a.m. in the Olmsted Center, Room 310. All interested faculty and staff are encouraged to attend.
During this meeting a Weight Watchers instructor will go over the program and answer questions. If 15 or more employees join, Weight Watchers will complete everyone’s registration and collect payments and meetings will begin the following Monday.

The cost is $156 for a 12-week renewable series with a minimum of 15 participants and $186 for a 17-week series if 20 or more join. You may pay the full amount up front or split into three payments. Since series fees are paid at the informational session, you will need to bring either cash, credit card, or a personal check to the meeting.

Weekly meetings include a confidential weigh-in prior to the meeting, followed by a 30-minute meeting. Weight Watchers’ unique mix of face-to-face interaction with a trained leader, group support, accountability, digital tools, and the convenience of meetings in the workplace have helped participants lose as much as eight times as much weight as those who try to lose weight on their own.

If you are interested in attending the Weight Watchers informational session, please contact Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu.

—Linda Feiden, Assistant Director, Wellness & Engagement