School of Education news: Week of April 11

Angela James lecture
Faculty, staff, and students are invited to a lecture by South African scholar Angela James, who will present on service-learning research at University of KwaZulu-Natal, one of Drake’s strategic partners in South Africa. The lecture will take place April 20, 9:30–10:45 a.m. in Room B-13 in the School of Education building.

Diversity Statement
The SOE had finalized our diversity statement:

“The Drake University School of Education is committed to diversity and inclusivity. As members of the School of Education, we strive to work toward an affirming learning and teaching environment. We do so by seeking to educate culturally responsive professionals who are able to work effectively with all stakeholders. Aligned with our commitment to academic reflection, collaborative learning and social justice, we seek to facilitate the development of our students as reflective practitioners, critical thinkers, and public intellectuals.”

This is posted online at

—Catherine Gillespie, Associate Dean, Professor of Education and Mary Collier Endowed Professor