Foreign language conversation hours

It is difficult to keep up language fluency without speaking regularly, so Drake’s Department of World Languages and Cultures wants to help.

Arabic Club

Arabic Club offers the opportunity for students, faculty, and administrators to practice speaking in Arabic on Wednesdays in Medbury, Room 219 between 1:15 and 3:15 p.m. All levels of speakers are welcome. In addition to practicing speaking, the group explores history, geography, culture, and other topics of interest to the group. Drop-in attendance is welcome.

For further information, contact Adjunct Instructor Nahed Waly,

Spanish Conversation Hours

Spanish Conversation Hours are scheduled for Mondays 2–3 p.m., and Thursdays 12:30–1:30 p.m. in Meredith, Room 228. Students, faculty, and administrators of all levels are welcome. The group is very encouraging of all participants and no long-term commitment is required to attend. A native speaker facilitates the conversation for those interested in practicing Spanish in an informal setting.

For further information, contact Visiting Assistant Professor Inbal Mazar at

—Submitted by Drake International